Sunday, August 4, 2024

Days of our Lives Most Successful TV Series in the Universe

    -on March 31st 2017 I took the Bus to the next town Mount Maunganui

-I was on Marine Parade by the Surf Beach

-I had just repeated over and over Bop Bup Bup

-I crossed the Road to go back

-there were a couple looking like a 1990s comics drawn Bruce Wayne / Batman. He was tall and Indian

-he was with a woman looking like Lois Lane played by Erica Durance

-the small mountain MAUAO there

-it looks like a hourglass with the bottom half light green and the top half dark green

-for the series logo for Days of our Lives a hourglass


-MAUAO like the planet in comics 'OA'. At the centre of the Universe. It might be the most successful TV series in the Universe




-I had just repeated over and over-

-Bop Bup Bup


-WAYNE, WHORE, WHOS WHO- the plots it gives me are the WORSE plots they could come up with

-the series might be the most SUCCESSFUL / SUCCESSIVE series ever in space. Shown by that morning's key events. WHO's WHO. BOP BUP BUP. WAYNE WHORE. LYNETTE ECOLES. All SUCCESSIVE sounding

-the Days of our Lives series about me, the dream with them in the Devon Mall, the dream of a character in it dying and another character still a bitch, and the dream of the volcano. Maybe saying the Days of our Lives series about me. Is the most SUCCESSIVE SUCCESSFUL TV series ever made. And without the channel with it

-with a long running TV series about me. There's the strong chance they won't want to make the end a bad time for me. With them aiming for a lot of space. It might wreck a lot of lives for good

-the AFTERLIFE. The second version of Days of our Lives. After Life as in successive. Maybe too meaning the channel goes through all afterlives forever

-the series might only ever have scenes with me in them. The DAYS of OUR LIVES

Saturday, August 3, 2024


 -maybe a gift from soap opera made on me on another world called Days of our Lives. With the hourglass logo

-in about 1993 I was lying in bed at night. I felt something in my throat

-I ran to the bathroom and spat out my tongue. With no pain, blood or difficulty in it

-I pressed the tongue whole somehow through the holes in the bathroom sink grate

-then suddenly I had a whole new tongue in my throat

-no blood, mess or difficulty in any of it

-maybe the series Days of our Lives helping me out. Showing the problems and saving me from a marriage that won't work

-the tongue going down the circular shaped grid with the hole segments in the grate

-'DC' Comics (old stars logo) Jenette Kahn. Of Jesus Christ (HOLY) will always wreck any RING marriage

-the tongue coming out my throat. Then replaced by a new one

-Days of our Lives TOLD me to TELL you from then. The marriage will fail

-the sand going down from one chamber then turned upside down like the two tongues represents Days of our Lives saying this

-TONGUE like Paul LONGLEY as in LONELY. The villain of an Archie line about me. Maybe Jesus Christ the villain of Days of our Lives will be LONELY

-partly because how he set me up and not getting people under control. Would have lead to ALTERNATIVE Earth. Shown by one tongue replacing the other 

-on March 31st 2017 I went to a copy Plate where while there my miracles were super-powerful. The new TONGUE. I left one TAURANGA and went to another. And that might be the limit of the area size of the Plate, the city area of TAURANGA. That morning having taken a bus ride to the next town / which was really part of Tauranga. I repeated over and over Bop Bup Bup. Like using my Tongue . Bop / Bup / Bup like going to a copy of locally. I might be while there away from notice of- the bathroom sink grate. Like the DC Comics logo. And with holes in it like away from Holy Jesus Christ

-I think the whole planet might go to a World Vote against me. Maybe organized by Jenette Kahn, or the replacement star. Maybe another blow planned by Jesus Christ. The tongue going through the grate like a Vote in to the Ballot Box. Me losing my tongue like people having their say against me. And there would be basically no support for me

-near those Docks in Sydney was like a small theme Park by the Pier. I went in to a turning box held up just above the water. It would have been dangerous. Because along one edge of it ran a strip gap in the side of the box. And I could have fallen out. This might have been where I got my start as the Anti-Christ etc. A REVOLVING box as in REVELATIONS

-like I think people have BOXED me in. This might be my way out. The gap running along one edge of the box. Like I was hinted at by the bathroom sink hole. Any marriage, friends, any sort of partners, any children or me worshiping God. Jesus Christ and DC Comics Jenette Kahn will wreck it. TURNING them on me. Like in 1993 I was lying in bed at night. I ran to the bathroom and easily spat out my tongue. I pressed it whole through the bathroom sink's holes in the grates. The sink grate had HOLES in it like for the HOLY Jesus Christ. And was shaped like a circle with holes in it. Like the 1980s DC Comics logo. I am boxed in. That might say I have a way out

-stars etc might be made OUTCASTS

-like about 1993 I was lying in bed at night. I felt something in my throat. I ran to the bathroom. And in the sink spat out my whole tongue. It came off whole with no blood or pain and just came simply off. I was able to press it through whole through the circular grate of the bathroom sink. Then straight away I  had a new tongue in my mouth. All of those things with ease and no pain etc

-my TONGUE coming off- like a lot of people wind up with no one to talk to them

-the circular grate- like largely the fault of DC Comics' Jenette Kahn. The grate looks like their old logo. And maybe the fault of Jesus Christ. The grate is HOLY

-maybe a lot of the reason people turn on them. Stars etc coming close to causing ALTERNATIVE Earth / two tongues

-several things I daydreamed up when young. Hell effects that damned you and transformed your body

-the tongue just came out. Like people will be made OUT CASTS

Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow?

-I thought of when I was in a centre tall building stairwell and I 'saw' each glass door going up on the walls. Each one out of level. So the doors cut half way between the floors. Like the upper and lower glass chambers of a hourglass. The Days of our Lives logo. Like saying like sand the people in on it against me their plans will always fall through. And Days of our Lives could of begun about December 1984. As I deteriorated. And while watching a video daydreamed former DC Comics head Jenette Kahn was dancing around a door sized pictures. Her saying we have been going for decades this is only the beginning. The series maybe saying at the very start the corrupt people's plans will come to nothing. So the series might have started that way. And today I saw more in the line their plans will come to nothing

-so it might be like Days of our Lives saving me. And the planet from most of their companies closing down. Marriages without me signing or under duress. Being banned from a multiple of companies. Companies closing without getting clearance. The glass doors like the empty headed attempt people tried on me. The out of line doors. For me to be married I needed to have signed on the line


It's All just Staged

  -I was on my bike near the corner where my home is

-and I thought of the line 'It's all just staged'

-like telling me I had been able to make the whole of the Bible not true. Except for references like Caesar etc

-I straight away thought of STAGE

-about 1991 I saw on a table in front of a downtown Tauranga bookstore

-a Teen magazine. It had a photo of star Mark Wahlberg on a STAGE. With maybe a small audience. like at a Party or Award. His rap name MARKY MARK. Like 666. Or saying maybe I make Christianity not real. On the same table that time was a comic not meant to be sold in New Zealand. From one of comic companies called INDEPENDENT in the early 80s. Like with these miracles basically everyone is self-sufficient 

-he was wearing shorts. His leg hairs were not real. I have seen them he used to model underwear and he was up on stage. His leg hairs were long, black and far spaced

-I was just near my home. And across the Street corner. Was G.J. GARDNER Homes

-like the magic providing GARDEN at my home

-STAGED- like I partly feigned unwellness the night the supermarket SECURITY GUARD / STAGED took me to Hospital

-like STAGED. My SECURITY of my Garden of Eden home and the miracles are still real

-but these things weren't 

-no more my Beast bedspread. It could turn on me and a mass of stars' work say it. No more Satan. God etc. Any of the people of Revelations like the Anti-Christ except for me. No paranormal people on Earth. Like Oz, Atlantis. Not my father if an alien. No series like Mills Reef Winery etc . 'Staged' they were never real. The long hairs on his legs. There were no nearby Gorillas on an Island planning to launch the Winery channel. No pregnancy in me or ability to get pregnant. No marriage for me. No me becoming like Darth Vader, a sex change etc. Not all the terrible things stars say will happen to me

-my miracles and safety guard of the home still real hopefully

-I say me seeing that fictional photo with the leg hairs of MARKY MARK ON STAGE like in the line I thought of just as I was approaching GARDNER Homes as the evidence 

-It's all just staged- like the opening scenes of Days of our Lives about me around December 1984. I was watching on TV the video of Stevie Wonder singing I just called to say I love you. Going downwards around then. I daydreamed DC Comics' Jenette Kahn was dancing around for TV large boards of DC comics. Saying something like For 50 years we've been bringing you comics. A set up by the makers of the Days of our Lives series from the start to say to viewers things will work out safe for me

-a bit like saying It was all just a dream

-Wahlberg up on the stage like a Comedian. Like saying it was all a joke

-in some Chatels my mother left me was a framed photo of me from about 1977. I was with my grandmother. We were standing on a wide back garden BALCONY / STAGE. I was wearing a T-Shirt with a lot of narrow horizontal STRIPES. Like the HAIRS on Wahlberg's legs. This photo too says the demons I face are largely staged. The strips of the balcony and my T-shirt like saying I am the Anti-Christ and I rule all nations with an IRON ROD

-I used to think my mink panther BED SPREAD was the BEAST from Hell. And then I got a lot of stars in their work saying it will turn on me. It is not alive. The leg hairs on Wahlberg like black panther hairs. They were IMPOSSIBLE

-Mark WAHLBERG as in the WINERY soap opera and the HAIRS on his legs. Like the idea of GORILLAS on an Island by their home

-the hairs on Wahlberg's legs like a channel on Anthony Hay. A person at High School said he wore shorts to a Mufti Day to show off his legs. They were hairy. There is no ANTHONY Hay UNI channel

-MARKY and MARK like I am pregnant to the Gym Instructor looking like Jughead. Right between my home and his Gym the High School with the Latin motto PERGE et PERAGO. He at a Gym set me up to see his hairs on his legs. The idea I am pregnant with his child from sex once. It's all just staged like his shot of him lying on his back for a Spotify Internet display that they knew would happen

-like on the same table that time there was a wrongly distributed 'Independent' comic. That might be saying These are all just ISSUES of the mind. And the Teen MAGAZINE with Walberg and his FICTIONAL leg hairs saying my problems are just ISSUES of the mind

-the black LINE leg HAIRS. All of the LIES about me

 -the LINE leg hairs. Any LINES about a marriage to the Lois LANE woman aren't possible. Really LIES

-the long hair lines on his legs wearing shorts. There is no truth to company LINES because it is UNDER DURESS. His legs UNDERDRESSED

-three comic Volumes I would have ordered. But the man looking like Mark Wahlberg and the man looking like Walt Disney stopped me. On stage Mark Wahlberg / wall. Had strange leg hairs. Like a student at High School said Anthony Hay wore shorts to a Mufti Day to show off his legs. Wahlberg's leg hairs like Hay

-the man looking like Walt Disney / wall. Bought me the Disney book. The checkered cover like blocks in a wall. .WISNEY' like to stop the WINERY channel

-MARKY MARK- the agreement for me to MARRY has to have my MARK on the LINE to be real or else it is under DURESS

-in about 1991 on a table in front of a downtown bookstore

-was a magazine with a photo of star Mark Wahlberg standing on a STAGE

-his leg hairs were fictional. Long, black and far spaced

-the Slave Ship Kunta Kinte came to America in was called

-the Lord Ligonier 

-like part of the reason that photo was designed like that was to say


-the leg hairs were STAGED

-I had the line come to me many or all my problems. Like the threats to me. Like the real ruins my life could have. According to songs, the media etc

-'were all just STAGED'

-there was little truth to any of them

-about 1986 I tried something dumb. I went to the tallest building downtown. A Bank. To try to jump off the roof. The top door was locked

-the inside main stairwell. The levels the doors were at going up the stairwell. Were not in sync with the floors. They were glass doors. But the floor level cut through each door half way

-the FLOOR levels were fictional

-like really saying the most or all the threats to me were only STAGED

-this maybe caused by some paranormal force. Might be really like saying the problems or threats to my life are only STAGED

-there was the magazine photo I saw about 1991. It had star Mark Wahlberg on a STAGE. He was wearing shorts. His leg hairs in the photo were fictional. Long, black and far spaced

-like the glass doors are like the Days of our Lives hourglass. These people in on it against me. Their plans will always fall through

-the glass doors out of line- the contracts have no grounds

-along the bottom of each page of Crisis on Infinite Earths 10. Yellowed colored film strips. The Monitor Tapes. About what is going on during this for other heroes in DC Comics. The line I got given to me 'It's All just Staged'. Like film strips. Says all the threats etc stars put in their work are all really only Staged. No real truth to them. The film strips like of Monitor screens along the bottom of pages. About 1987 I went to the tallest local building to try to jump off. The top door was locked. I went up the inside middle staircase. There were GLASS doors up through it. The doors out of level with the floors / stages. Like glass the Days of our Lives hourglass logo. Maybe saying my problems aren't what I thought for definite. The doors were out of level with the stairs. Like to say STAGES


  -when I was very young I asked my grandfather to make a Winnie the Pooh / 100 Acre Woods paperback book a hard cover. He put card on the insides of the covers

-another time he took me up to the top balcony of my grandparents' bedroom. The door was usually locked. He said If you want to you can sit out here for a while. I didn't want to. Like Satan taking Jesus Christ up on the mountain and offering him the world

-the WINNIE the Pooh book

-there is never a Mills Reef WINERY channel and maybe series. And there is never an ANTHONY at UNI channel and maybe series

-the card sleeves put in the book covers


-like I get me put in the body looking just like Christian Paredes. And the card backing the cover sleeves. I get powers basically like the first letters of each power matches the first letter of once special themed rooms of my home

-the boy in the Winnie the Pooh books named CHRISTOPHER ROBIN. Like I ROB the Fitness Add man CHRISTIAN Paredes of his appearance

-100% ACRE Woods- I HUNDRED of AREA covered  AGER of channels. WINNIE / WINDSOR High. POO / HOURGLASS toilet shaped. And ACRES through AFTER lives. For WINNIE all ETERNITY. And the channel of my BOP BUP BUP / bum music. As in URINATE the POO

-about 1993 I was lying in bed over night

-I felt something in my throat. I ran to the bathroom

-I spat out my tongue whole with no pain

-somehow I was able to push the tongue whole down through the bathroom sink grate

-then at once had a full new tongue in my throat

-maybe meaning

-the STARS etc largely because of the DC Comics (old LOGO). Will lose those who will TALK to them. People will have TURNED on them

-largely because of the threat they caused of ALTERNATIVE Earth. Like the two Alternative TONGUES

-the sink grate like the old DC logo

-for me this might say where I want to be in life

-I have never to TALK to- friends, family or spouses or partners. I never have a SINGING career

-I get the full looking body of Hot STUFF model like the tongue STUFFED in my throat. And I too change so my personality is how he came off so I TALK like that

-I get the list of super hero powers I wanted loosely the basis of like Captain Marvel of FAWCETT Comics like I was at the bathroom FAUCET. And Billy Batson says Shazam to become Captain Marvel

-like the tongue is then back joined to inside my throat. This time maybe the super hero powers are in my real body

-the tongue back in my throat maybe meaning I don't need to transform to get my powers they are in my body fully all the time

-it is like I HAVE CUT myself off from the world 


  -about 1992 downtown Tauranga there was a table in front of a bookstore

-it had a type of Teen magazine. There was a photo of star / actor / rapper / underwear model 'Marky Mark' Wahlberg

-who I based my about 300 Bop songs and me as super hero 'Captain Marvel' on

-he was on a stage. Maybe at an award or party. He had shorts (and other clothes) onn

-his leg hairs were fictional. And maybe impossible. And they showed up from a distance

-they were long, black and far spaced

-also on that table that time was an ''INDEPENDENT' comic. Not really meant for New Zealand book stores. Like saying my miracles make most of space self-sufficient 

-I think part of why someone set me up to imagine that photo of him was to reassure me of problem things

-the dashes like leg hairs. I do not need to be concerned about the man effecting my dreams and sleep. In his red and black stripped jersey

-the strips like leg hairs. Like the comic super hero Firestorm. Like the strips on the chest of his costume. I do not need to worry about a channel by minds of DC Comics to everywhere. I think that Firestorm character was meant to introduce on the super-heroes' world a TV channel that could film people doing things

-I had the line come to me many or all my problems. Like the threats to me. Like the real ruins my life could have. According to songs, the media etc

-'were all just STAGED'

-there was little truth to any of them

-about 1986 I tried something dumb. I went to the tallest building downtown. A Bank. To try to jump off the roof. The top door was locked

-the inside main stairwell. The levels the doors were at going up the stairwell. Were not in sync with the floors. They were glass doors. But the floor level cut through each door half way

-the FLOOR levels were fictional

-like really saying the most or all the threats to me were only STAGED

-this maybe caused by some paranormal force. Might be really like saying the problems or threats to my life are only STAGED

-there was the magazine photo I saw about 1991. It had star Mark Wahlberg on a STAGE. He was wearing shorts. His leg hairs in the photo were fictional. Long, black and far spaced

-like the glass doors are like the Days of our Lives hourglass. These people in on it against me. Their plans will always fall through

-the glass doors OUT OF LINE. Mean I will be KEPT OUT OF LINE with a marriage to a woman like Lois LANE

-the multiple black leg hairs. Like Dalmatian dog spots. On a cartoon toy reel I had when I was young called 101 Dalmatians. There was a final Church Wedding scene. Then like a distorted GRAVESTONE shot with my initials 'AM' in reverse. Like telling me a possible son I have GREYSON son too of a GRENADA TV actor. Like my initials in reverse. He won' take my ideal powers and appearance that I have wanted a long time

-'It's All just Staged'

-I was on my bike near the corner where my home is

-and I thought of the line 'It's all just staged'

-like telling me I had been able to make the whole of the Bible not true. Except for references like Caesar etc

-I straight away thought of STAGE

-about 1991 I saw on a table in front of a downtown Tauranga bookstore

-a Teen magazine. It had a photo of star Mark Wahlberg on a STAGE. With maybe a small audience. like at a Party or Award. His rap name MARKY MARK. Like 666. Or saying maybe I make Christianity not real. On the same table that time was a comic not meant to be sold in New Zealand. From one of comic companies called INDEPENDENT in the early 80s. Like with these miracles basically everyone is self-sufficient 

-he was wearing shorts. His leg hairs were not real. I have seen them he used to model underwear and he was up on stage. His leg hairs were long, black and far spaced

-I was just near my home. And across the Street corner. Was G.J. GARDNER Homes

-like the magic providing GARDEN at my home

-STAGED- like I partly feigned unwellness the night the supermarket SECURITY GUARD / STAGED took me to Hospital

-like STAGED. My SECURITY of my Garden of Eden home and the miracles are still real

-but these things weren't 

-no more my Beast bedspread. It could turn on me and a mass of stars' work say it. No more Satan. God etc. Any of the people of Revelations like the Anti-Christ except for me. No paranormal people on Earth. Like Oz, Atlantis. Not my father if an alien. No series like Mills Reef Winery etc . 'Staged' they were never real. The long hairs on his legs. There were no nearby Gorillas on an Island planning to launch the Winery channel. No pregnancy in me or ability to get pregnant. No marriage for me. No me becoming like Darth Vader, a sex change etc. Not all the terrible things stars say will happen to me

-my miracles and safety guard of the home still real hopefully

-I say me seeing that fictional photo with the leg hairs of MARKY MARK ON STAGE like in the line I thought of just as I was approaching GARDNER Homes as the evidence 

-It's all just staged- like the opening scenes of Days of our Lives about me around December 1984. I was watching on TV the video of Stevie Wonder singing I just called to say I love you. Going downwards around then. I daydreamed DC Comics' Jenette Kahn was dancing around for TV large boards of DC comics. Saying something like For 50 years we've been bringing you comics. A set up by the makers of the Days of our Lives series from the start to say to viewers things will work out safe for me

-a bit like saying It was all just a dream

-Wahlberg up on the stage like a Comedian. Like saying it was all a joke

-in some Chatels my mother left me was a framed photo of me from about 1977. I was with my grandmother. We were standing on a wide back garden BALCONY / STAGE. I was wearing a T-Shirt with a lot of narrow horizontal STRIPES. Like the HAIRS on Wahlberg's legs. This photo too says the demons I face are largely staged. The strips of the balcony and my T-shirt like saying I am the Anti-Christ and I rule all nations with an IRON ROD

-I used to think my mink panther BED SPREAD was the BEAST from Hell. And then I got a lot of stars in their work saying it will turn on me. It is not alive. The leg hairs on Wahlberg like black panther hairs. They were IMPOSSIBLE

-Mark WAHLBERG as in the WINERY soap opera and the HAIRS on his legs. Like the idea of GORILLAS on an Island by their home

-the hairs on Wahlberg's legs like a channel on Anthony Hay. A person at High School said he wore shorts to a Mufti Day to show off his legs. They were hairy. There is no ANTHONY Hay UNI channel

-MARKY and MARK like I am pregnant to the Gym Instructor looking like Jughead. Right between my home and his Gym the High School with the Latin motto PERGE et PERAGO. He at a Gym set me up to see his hairs on his legs. The idea I am pregnant with his child from sex once. It's all just staged like his shot of him lying on his back for a Spotify Internet display that they knew would happen

-like on the same table that time there was a wrongly distributed 'Independent' comic. That might be saying These are all just ISSUES of the mind. And the Teen MAGAZINE with Walberg and his FICTIONAL leg hairs saying my problems are just ISSUES of the mind

-the black LINE leg HAIRS. All of the LIES about me

 -the LINE leg hairs. Any LINES about a marriage to the Lois LANE woman aren't possible. Really LIES

-the long hair lines on his legs wearing shorts. There is no truth to company LINES because it is UNDER DURESS. His legs UNDERDRESSED

-the man looking like Walt Disney / wall. Bought me the Disney book. The checkered cover like blocks in a wall. .WISNEY' like to stop the WINERY channel

-MARKY MARK- the agreement for me to MARRY has to have my MARK on the LINE to be real or else it is under DURESS

-in about 1991 on a table in front of a downtown bookstore

-was a magazine with a photo of star Mark Wahlberg standing on a STAGE

-his leg hairs were fictional. Long, black and far spaced

-the Slave Ship Kunta Kinte came to America in was called

-the Lord Ligonier 

-like part of the reason that photo was designed like that was to say


-the leg hairs were STAGED

-the black leg hairs like CHAINS / KAHN. Saying her chains on me will fail

-I see scenes in comics and songs the DC Comics character Wonder Girl was always meant to have eventually a tortured life and wind up forced to be the same as Darth Vader. She is the likely one being all the way back to the 1960s

-the leg hairs like lines. Like telling me the man Anthony Hay didn't get me pregnant. He put a HOLE through shorts I had hanging on a clothesline in Hamilton at University in 1990. The shorts had long thin lines down them. A boy at High School said Anthony Hay wore shorts to a Mufti Day because he wanted to show off his legs. Like an Archie channel about him. Like the man's photo is like saying he wouldn't want to show off his legs. Hay left the two Jig-Saw pieces under my bed

-on the same table as the Marky Mark magazine was an INDEPENDENT comic. Like set up to say what some stars say about my system of using the leg hairs wasn't right. They are wrong. It is Independent of them

-the HAIRS on the underwear model's legs. There is no worry I will get HEIRS from sex with a HIS

-and maybe too I will never have any real HEIRS

-when I saw the magazine with star Mark Wahlberg on a stage wearing shorts. His leg hairs fictional long, black and far spaced. Maybe the Watcher saying. That HISTORY. His HAIRY legs are fictional like CHRISTIANITY / HAIRS / HISTORY. Like Anthony HAYES channel. A student at High School made the comment about Hayes showing off his legs wearing shorts. And WAHLBERG / WALL / Mills REEF that channel and TV series is fictional too

-the birthday card I got when young. With a slightly charred looking Cookie Bear on it. Wahlberg's legs with the black leg hairs. He was an underwear model COCKIE BARE. And he is BARING his legs showing the COOKY leg hairs

-my two mink bedspreads might be alive. A Panther one like the black leg hairs. And a Leopard one the black spots for leg hairs. I am being told neither are a threat to me

-no CONTRACT. Of COSGROVE / CAUSE GROWS. Or HAY or the Gym Instructor with LEG HAIRS. Works on me with HEIRS and INHERITANCE

-GERRY HART- my 1980 Intermediate Teacher. As in HAIRY HAIR or MARKY MARK

Matthew Ager's Command Performance

  -the hourglass has two levels of sand. The sand going from the top chamber of the hourglass to the lower. About 1993 I was lying in bed. I felt my tongue and ran to the bathroom. In the sink I spat out my TONGUE with no pain or blood. I was able to push it WHOLE through the sink grate. Then straight away I had a new tongue in my throat. The tongue going down and being replaced. Like sands through the hourglass. The sink grate like a Wedding ring. Maybe the series saying this is 'their Command Performance.' The makers of the series causing any partner I get will be replaced by a really only lifeless person 


 -my 'Crisis' miracles as in CHRIST or Anti CHRIST

-started Friday March 31st 2017

-and with that time my miracle power becomes really incredible

-and my life and space went in to a Crisis

-I began to deal with problems of DC Comics' Jenette Kahn being the reason why stars songs say I am married to a woman like Lois Lane. And she has public affairs. But I have to stick with her

-the idea of her too sabotaging about an all time record contract for me. Actresses Deidree Hall of Days of our Lives and Robyn Malcolm of Outrageous Fortune implied it when I met them

-and the idea the record would go to another New Zealander. And about the worse choice for me to deal with a man like Mark Wahlberg

-and where I used to think of New Zealand as the relaxed easy going freer best country. This partly turned me on it

-I over some time wrote 300 more songs. This time much better. I had the beats BOP bup bup. And things I had now done with my miracles to write about

-in a description for DC Comics Anniversary series Crisis on Infinite Earths it says allegiances change

-like from about March 31st I went in the direction of Satan and away from God. I turned on New Zealand. And DC Comics. And since about that date have built back up my collection of comics from what I had left from a period of selling them

-I spent March 31st 2017 to November 18th 2020 doing more powerful miracles. Some real some not. And have spent so far from November 19th 2020 to May 2024 working on my main aims for my miracles the block under

-like DC Comics 50th Anniversary series Crisis on Infinite Earths was meant to partly clean up problem plots from their decades. I got the line 'It's only Just Staged' telling me a lot of my problems others have given on me aren't real

-I have been doing miracles since different times since 2008. Now over the past 3 years I have seen all the threats to my life. I think as I realize them my life would become a black hole. Because I have done miracles and had adventures won't help. It is the really powerful list of miracles I have done. Partly the more powerful ones since March 2017. But what really helps me deal with the problems is the high likely chance the list I have come up with since November 2020. I would have once wound up in a Ward looking down all the time. Now I have the illnesses of problem Constipation that causes problems and can no longer walk more than a block. But before I would have wound up having to look for work and do courses

-doing my list of miracles since November 2020. Is like Spider-Man or a boy at school bullied with no friends. Who secretly is a super hero. It is like an escape that keeps a dark space from my life 

The Garden of Eden

   -the Garden of Eden is really at my address at140C Fraser Street Tauranga, New Zealand

-I think a plant growing near the front door of my home is the Forbidden Fruit Adam and Eve ate

-and it is what gives me my miracle powers

-where I hope to live for the rest of my life

-despite people wanting the property if I became famous or things go wrong

-one night I biked to do Grocery shopping

-and bought $120 of Groceries. I was outside the supermarket loading them on my bike

-but feeling on the verge of COLLAPSE

-like the good chance the world will COLLAPSE with corrupt people and companies saying they will close if I don't do anything they say

-I went back in the supermarket and got help. I had them call an Ambulance

-I was at the supermarket for a while. It was a real OUT OF IT night

-like I eventually are OUT OF IT

-a supermarket Security Guard drove me to the Hospital and stayed with me for 7 hours

-tests were done. When I might have been prepped so one day all my life I will be basically living here

-maybe getting those same $120 load of Groceries appearing in my home each week

-I was partly DEHYDRATED that week before because of lack of food

-a SECURITY Guard drove me to the Hospital. Like I will be secure in my home

-the SKELETON I saw in a ditch to represent the SECURITY Guard setting me up in my home

-a Security GUARD helped me like to mean I always live at the GARDEN of Eden

-my property might be where the Garden of Eden is

-I was in the local Psych Ward in 2010 at a lower time. I swallowed a drawing pin. Like them eating the Forbidden Fruit. That night I was lying in bed wondering how I would cope. Suddenly both at the same time I pictured two images. Two costumes of genius super-heroes Mister Fantastic and Brainiac 5. It was an original costume but looked like the other two. The Fruit from the Tree of Knowledge. God didn't want them to gain that. The fruit at my front door might be like that giving me God's Creation power. And I pictured the super hero power to create objects out of CRYSTAL as in CHRIST

-it might be that since that night at the Hospital with the Security Guard. I am now locked in my home. Still part of the real world. But when things go wrong/at the right moment I will wind up living separate and self-sufficient in my home

-Fraser as in Forbidden Fruit

-Garden of Eden


-I get at least from the Garden of Eden



-from the night set up with the Security Guard


-two secure illnesses I have so I might never have to look for work / study / look for work

-I have trouble walking. In the day lately it has been better. But at nights I used to inching around. I still would struggle always to walk more than one or two blocks. And walking several blocks for years has been an ordeal with me constantly stopping. At times from 5pm onwards at night I struggle to walk almost falling over

-my Constipation problem. I sort of go in cycles of how my bowels move. At times they go normally for maybe a few months. And sometimes it changes to a new problem. Last year lot of the year I never passed feces motions. And through the day I get frequent urine surges. The whole year I would go three months without feces passing then about 10 times over 10 days. My body really buckles as I try to stop it. But I end up with urine being released. Maybe even on to the carpet. And if I was out of my home I couldn't get to a toilet in time and it would go on the floor. Some times for a while I often pass motion other times I go a long time not. But the surges continue. Lately I have passed bowel motions much better and the urine surges aren't as bad. But they are still problems. With my Constipation the problem keeps changing so it could go back to being bad again. The urine surges can happen any time. My bowel movements and these surges have been partly better in recent months, but far from right. And things with my Constipation keep changing from year to year. Even if I shower in the morning. If my feces has built up but I can't yet pass it. I am going to get over and over showing soiled clothes. The times maybe a few times a year. I don't pass enough feces. I am going back and forwards to the toilet over a day. Needing to wash clothes over and over

-and the main mental illness I suffer from. I sometimes feel like my mind is frenzied. I am stumbling making mistakes and anxious. It only takes a comment or even my spirits to be lifted to set this off

-I get tired and dangerously shaky when biking large distances

-I probably can't try to walk a block safely 

-my legs often get stiff by the late afternoon making it hard to work

-when my Constipation is playing up. Even if I shower in the morning. Biking around in the heat can cause my pants to be soiled. And if I could not avoid going to the toilet while out it would leave bad brown marks on the seat

-a few times a year while it is harder to pass motions. The feces would keep coming constantly. I feel the pressure over and over. Soiling underwear again and again in the day constantly. Meaning I have no way of working or studying

-a real problem for doing things. These days my legs are often really shaky. I often almost fall over. It gets worse later in the day. But even going out to the supermarket about 1pm is a bad idea. By the time a job or course finishes each day I could be struggling to get around

The Gift

     -I might have really left Tauranga some time ago -the black figure of a man coming out of my bedroom wall in the dark -with a silent el...